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10 Tips For Self-Care

If I have learned anything over the last few years while in college it would have to be how important self-care is. When you seem overwhelmed with school and work, you can easily forget to take care of yourself. Self-Care is provided for you, by you. It is important that you are able to identify your needs and how you can take the steps to achieving those needs.

Here are some of my tips for self-care:

One: Remove Toxic People People From Your Life

I have learned that it can be hard to be positive when those around you are not. I am the type of person that I feed off other peoples energy and when they carry a lot of negativity it brings me down with them. It can be hard for me to let go of people especially those that I care about, but I decided that it would be the best thing for me. When I removed these people from my life I felt so much better about myself. I was not wondering what I did to deserve the way I was being treated or why I was not good enough. My self-esteem, confidence, and positivity skyrocketed.

Two: Have A Social Media/Media Detox

Social media and the news outlets are filled with an incredible amount of negativity and it can be draining. Though it is important to stay in touch with what is going on in the world, sometimes one just needs a break and it can be refreshing to take a step back and cleanse the mind. I go through phases where I will deactivate my social media profiles and delete the apps off my phone so I am not being glued into everything that is happening and to catch a breath.

Three: Pamper Yourself

Go get your hair done, your eyebrows, your nails or grab a face mask and relax while wrapped up in a blanket binge watching your favorite show. Take a day to yourself and do something to pamper yourself somehow. It could be something big or small. You would be amazed with how such little things cause make a difference in how you feel during the day.

Four: Go For A Walk

Whenever I get stressed out one of my favorite things to do would have to be going outside and getting some fresh air. In Marquette I would go to Presque Isle Park and walk on the trails through the woods and by lake Superior, so I could hear the waves crashing against the shore. Take your phone and put it on airplane mode or do not disturb so you can disconnect to actually take time for yourself.

Five: Sit By The Water

Along with going for a walk, I love finding a quiet place to sit and just listening to the water. It could be a pool, lake, beach, river, even a small water fall and it seems to just sooth over the mind and calm you down no matter what. Especially if you go early in the morning or evening so you can either watch the sun rise or set.

Six: Take A Long Hot Bath

Are you ever after a long day craving a hot bath to relax? If so turn on the water fill the tub with some hot water and throw in your favorite bath bomb or Epsom salt. When I take my hot baths at the end of a long day, I will turn off the lights and pull back the curtains and light some candles around my tub while playing some calming music. This always seems like the perfect way to end my night. Soothing for my mind and body.

Seven: Clean Your House From Top To Bottom

When I was younger, I used to be a pretty messy person, as I have gotten older I have learned that having a messy house and room stresses me out beyond belief. I have gotten into the habit to vacuuming and dusting just about every other day and picking up around the house and my room. My stress-level has gone down so much due to this. Try cleaning from top to bottom. You may be surprised how much better you feel with a clean house.

Eight: Play With Your Pet — It’s Good For Them Also

This should probably be higher up on the list. It is honestly probably the number one thing I do when I’m either stressed, sad, angry, you name the emotion…I am probably cuddling and playing with my dog Lucy.  Grab your pets favorite toy and play with them, if you have a dog take them outside and play fetch. It is good for your pets too and lets them know they are loved. 😉

Nine: Go On A Date With Yourself

Please do! You will love it! Make yourself a nice breakfast to start the day, get dressed up, do your hair and/or make up, take yourself shopping, go to lunch/dinner, and go see a movie, or something else you enjoy doing. Sometimes you have to remember you have to fall in love with yourself and this can be a good reminder.

Ten: Start The Day With Positive Affirmations 

Reading positive affirmations first thing in the morning are a good way to start the day. Just starting the day off with a positive feeling is a great way to put your mind that it will be a good day. They are used to encourage self-improvement, motivation, and even help you set a specific goal for the day.

“Today I will not stress over things I can’t control”

What are some of your self-care tips?

18 thoughts on “10 Tips For Self-Care”

  1. Such great tips and it is so important for selfcare. Would mind if i shared your post i know some people who could use these tips in their lives.


  2. I love to take a nice hot long bath. It’s actualky one of my favorite things to do when it comes to me having time to myself. I also agree with pampering myself. There have been times where I went and got my hair a nails done. It made a big difference. I’m still struggling with letting go of people who I need to let go of though. Great tips!


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